The more “Tournaisien” the MuFIm is, the more universal it is
In the intimate and cosy atmosphere of the 23 exhibition rooms (1,240 m²), the museum evokes characteristic aspects of life in Tournai and its countryside from 1800 to the present day.
In the museum, you will meet the cotton stocking maker in his workshop, working by the light of an oil lamp and a water globe designed to spread the light. You will discover the oldest mobile chip shop in Belgium, the sad tower of abandoned children, a modest hearse impatient to be hitched to its horse again, a mislaid urine-deflector in a forgotten corner...
Developing your own sensitivity
Works by 20th century and contemporary artists are scattered here and there to sharpen the eye and stimulate reflection.
The museum is to be explored, admired and questioned. The rich and abundant collections of original objects and documents evoke the beginning of a story that visitors are invited to develop according to their own sensitivity. Traces and witnesses of the past, these elements have been chosen for their value, their rarity or simply the pleasure of contemplating them.
Facsimile of the relief plan commissioned by Louis XIV
To discover what Tournai looked like in the time of Louis XIV in 1701, go to the top floor to explore the large relief map. Using the tablet, activate the search engines to highlight various emblematic buildings.
Go back in time and better understand today's society
Here, you can go back in time to better understand today's society, discover the habits and customs that are part of everyday life, and go from surprise to surprise.
The visit consists of an intimate encounter with Tournai, which whispers its secrets, disappointments, dreams and hopes to you... Local life can then take on a universal dimension.
Find the latest news and information on the official website of the Museum of Folklore and Imagination !
Discover the must-sees of Tournai !

Opening hours
From 1st April till 31st October (summer time)
Open daily from 9.30 to 12.30 am & from 1.30 to 5.30 pm.
From 1st November till 31st March (winter time)
Open daily from 9.30 to 12.00 am & from 2.00 à 5.00 pm.
Tuesday : closed.
Sunday morning (winter time) : closed.
Prices (from 01.01.2023)
- 4€ : individual adults (over 18 years old)
- 3€ : 6-18 year olds, students (outside Tournai), seniors, handypass, groups, youth movements, playgrounds, boarding schools, recognised youth organisations
- 2€ : schools outside the Wallonia-Brussels Federation
- 1,25€ : Article 27
- Free : children under 6, school groups from the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, teachers, press, individual students (higher education) from the Tournai entity, associations linked to the museums
Good to know : the museums are FREE for everyone on the first Sunday of each month !